APSE Blogs on Advancing Competitive Integrated Employment

According to a recent APSE Public Policy Update, APSE Welcomed 2019 and the legislative season and the 116th Congress! As per the Update, “It’s been a wild ride so far. Yet while January got off to a rocky start, being in the midst of a historic shutdown of the Federal Government, we ended on a high note with the announcement of the introduction of the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act (HR 873 / S. 260), a bipartisan and bicameral bill which aims to support states to transition away from sheltered employment, the use of 14(c) certificates, and subminimum wage.”

 “APSE has long supported the elimination of 14(c) and the use of subminimum wage, having issued a formal statement in 2010. As a member of the Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities and the Coalition to Advance Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE).

 FMI APSE released a letter of support for the Transformation to Competitive Employment Act. This is an infrastructure investment bill.