
State intellectual/developmental disabilities programs have been active laboratories of innovation. States have developed supported employment programs and family support services, implemented person-centered practices, promoted self-determination, and continue to search for innovative ideas. Each state’s efforts lead to improvements that every state learns from. NASDDDS serves as a platform for learning and sharing ideas.

Special Publications

NASDDDS publishes reports, briefs, and topical papers on cutting edge issues in real time to assist our member states. Member agencies receive a digital copy of each publication upon its release.

National Conferences

NASDDDS conferences are held in the spring and fall of each year. The conference programs focus on national and state policy and program innovations in intellectual/developmental disabilities and cutting edge developments in the national landscape impacting state services and supports. NASDDDS conferences are open to the public.

Member Education

Member education events held at least monthly create learning opportunities for staff working at all levels within state I/DD agencies. Topics vary widely based on input from state member agencies–from overall system design to specific clinical interventions.

Projects and Pilots

NASDDDS provides members access to cutting edge programs and projects hosted by NASDDDS, federal partners, or other public and private entities. Members are kept abreast of the most current opportunities through the ListServ and newsletters to ensure states can take advantage of information in real time.