NCI Data Highlight: Using NCI Data to Reduce the Risk of Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

The National Core Indicators (NCI) released a data highlight titled “How Can States Learn from State and National NCI Results to Reduce and Manage the Risk of Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Adults with I/DD?” The highlight speaks to the 2016-2017 Adult Consumer Survey Data, which indicates that 20% of respondents felt afraid in at least one setting such as in their home, day program, at work, walking in their neighborhood, and/or in transport. State results ranged from a low of 5% of people reporting the felt afraid in at least one setting, to a high of 36% of people reporting the same

The highlight further explains the proportion of people feeling afraid may be associated, at the systems level, with the potential for abuse, neglect or exploitation. Research indicates that risk of harm can be mitigated by ensuring that people have friendships and relationships beyond paid staff, experience respect from staff and others, are afforded privacy, have control of over decision-making, are included in their communities, and are knowledgeable about their rights. (Bolded mitigation factors represent NCI Data).